Lamp Posts
Naturally elegant, sturdy and crafted to last, Lamp Posts add an attractive accent providing illumination to any yard or walkway. Modern and durable, our Lamp Posts are built from premium weather-resistant materials that will withstand the elements while still boasting style and curb appeal.
Light up your life with our Signature lamp post. Our low maintenance polyethylene lamp posts are a great solution to your residential lighting needs. Mayne lamp posts are made from high quality 100% polyethylene with built-in UV inhibitors for long lasting protection from the elements. Package includes 6 foot decorative post and steel ground mount conduit.>**Note: Light fixture and wiring materials not included. Steel conduit measures 3 inch in diameter x 89 inches long and accommodates most residential post lamps. Steel ground mount should be buried in concrete for secure installations. 15 Year Warranty Residential Application, 5 Year Warranty Commercial Application. Made In The USA
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Light up your life with our Signature lamp post. Our low maintenance polyethylene lamp posts are a great solution to your residential lighting needs. Mayne lamp posts are made from high quality 100% polyethylene with built-in UV inhibitors for long lasting protection from the elements.>**Note: Light fixture and wiring materials not included. Package includes 6 foot decorative post. Designed for retro-fit installations over existing 3 inch diameter post. Approximately 74 inches of pipe should be exposed above ground to provide enough room for the 6 foot decorative post and lamp fixture. 15 Year Warranty Residential Application, 5 Year Warranty Commercial Application. Made In The USA
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Guide your footsteps to the entrance of your home with our Liberty Lamp Post. Our low maintenance polyethylene lamp posts are a great solution to your residential lighting needs. Mayne lamp posts are made from high quality 100% polyethylene with built-in UV inhibitors for long lasting protection from the elements.>**Note: Light fixture and wiring materials not included. Package includes 6 foot decorative post and steel ground mount conduit. Steel conduit measures 3 inch in diameter x 89 inches long and accommodates most residential post lamps. Steel ground mount should be buried in concrete for secure installations. 15 Year Warranty Residential Application, 5 Year Warranty Commercial Application. Made In The USA
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Guide your footsteps to the entrance of your home with our Liberty Lamp Post. Our low maintenance polyethylene lamp posts are a great solution to your residential lighting needs. Mayne lamp posts are made from high quality 100% polyethylene with built-in UV inhibitors for long lasting protection from the elements.>**Note: Light fixture and wiring materials not included. Package includes 6 foot decorative post. Designed for retro-fit installations over existing 3 inch diameter post. Approximately 74 inches of pipe should be exposed above ground to provide enough room for the 6 foot decorative post and lamp fixture. 15 Year Warranty Residential Application, 5 Year Warranty Commercial Application. Made In The USA
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